New-Official Football Gifts

Official Football Club Merchandise
Alexandra Gifts of Ashby, offers football fans official club merchandise, gifts and more. We stock all the main teams and can order many others. If not in stock we take orders for other clubs if available. Prices start from just £2.50, with great ideas for the footy fan in your life, pop in and see what we do.
Special World Cup Offer
Until 24th December 2022, you can come on down and photograph your child with our exact replica of the FIFA World Cup Trophy, raising funds for charity, Don't Miss it!

We stock football gift ideas for all the family, Men, Women, Children,
even Babies! So you can get them hooked on their club early.
All gifts
souveniers and merchandise are officially sanctioned and released
by the relavent teams, so when you buy your football fan a gift from
us, it's the same as buying directly from the club shop, at the home
ground or stadia, but at a more competitive price.