New-V.I.P. Loyalty Cards

Please fill in the application form below for your FREE V.I.P.Card

V.I.P.CARD Terms and Conditions
The Alexandra Gifts - V.I.P. Loyalty Card Scheme - Issue 1, 2014 (June)
Here are the Terms and Conditions for Alexandra Gifts in store V.I.P. Loyalty Card Scheme: Participation in the scheme is considered as acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. All participants must be resident in the UK and aged 18 or over.
1. Receive 10% Discount with your V.I.P. Loyalty Card for a single transaction of £5 (five pounds) or more in-store.
2. The 10% V.I.P. Discount is not available on sale items or in conjunction with any other offers in-store.
3. The V.I.P. Loyalty Card, can be used in both of our shops. But each £5 (five pounds) qualifying transaction must be made in either shop, not split across the two. (EG: £2.50 spend in Shop 1, then £2.50 spend in Shop 2 is not allowed)
4. Discount can only be given to the person named on genuine Loyalty Cards – no photocopies. We reserve the right to decline the offer of discount at our discretion.
5. Only 2 (two) transactions per card, per day.
6. V.I.P. Loyalty Card must be presented at time of purchase to receive discount. Discount cannot be given retrospectively.
7. The V.I.P. Card is valid until 5pm on 30th November 2014 from date of issue. After 5pm on 30th November 2014 it will expire and cannot be renewed.
8. The V.I.P. card discount can only be earned from qualifying transactions in-store at Alexandra Gift Shop, on Ashby High Street, Ashby, Scunthorpe. Transactions Online via our Website DO NOT qualify for V.I.P. Discount.
9. The V.I.P. Loyalty Card remains the property of Alexandra Gifts. It must be surrendered back to us upon our request.
10. Alexandra Gifts reserves the right to stop the V.I.P. Loyalty Card scheme at any time, without reason by giving 1 months written notice displayed in store and on our web site.
11. You agree to recieve emails from us about what's new and special V.I.P. offers.
12. These Terms and Conditions can be updated at any time without notice.Your details will not be passed to any third parties, but may be used for marketing purposes by Alexandra Gifts to inform you of upcoming events, news or special offers. The whole purpose of the V.I.P. scheme is to encourage and reward customers. If you witness any abuse of this scheme, we would appreciate you bringing the matter to our attention as widespread abuse could mean the blanket withdrawal of the V.I.P. Loyalty Card Scheme.
LAST UPDATED: 01/06/2014